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. 2015 Aug;69:47–59. doi: 10.1016/j.cortex.2015.03.024

Table 3.

Summary of neuroanatomical associations of humour processing in the patient cohort.

Contrast Region Side Cluster (voxels) Peak coordinates (mm)
Z score P value Group
x y z
Humour detection: familiar scenariosa Fusiform gyrus L 59 −40 −30 −29 3.87 .048 Combined
Fusiform gyrus L 597 −40 −30 −29 4.25 .013 bvFTD
T – O junction L 419 −57 −54 1 4.06 .041
Humour detection: novel scenariosb Ant MTG/STS R 315 68 −15 −12 4.47 .008 bvFTD

All statistically significant associations between grey matter volume and humour parameters are summarised (see also Fig. 3). Local maxima coordinates are in MNI standard stereotactic space. All contrasts were significant at threshold p < .05 after family-wise error correction within the pre-specified anatomical small volume of interest. ‘Combined’ refers to common associations across both patient groups. Contrasts index patient performance on aspects of humour processing, as follows (see also Table 2).


Grey matter volume positively correlated with humour detection accuracy in familiar scenarios.


Grey matter volume positively correlated with humour detection accuracy in novel scenarios. Ant, anterior; bvFTD, behavioural variant of frontotemporal dementia; MTG, middle temporal gyrus; STS, superior temporal sulcus; T-O, temporo-occipital.