Fig. 1.
Development of the bidirectional p35S and tNOS DNA walking methods on 100 % Bt rice. a Visualisation of the obtained amplicons, numeroted from 1 to 94, using the p35S and tNOS DNA walking methods applied on 100 ng of 100 % Bt rice and WT rice. For each method, four different DRT primer mixes (A-D) have been used. b For each DNA walking method, a schematic representation of the potential start position and direction, applied on the transgenic cassette of the Bt rice, is illustatred by the black arrows. Below the transgenic cassette, the sequence covering of the obtained amplicons from the 100 % Bt rice is schematically represented by rectangles. The corresponding amplicon numbering is indicated in the Fig. 1a. LB (left border); t35S (CaMV 35S terminator); hpt (hygromycin phosphotransferase gene); p35S (CaMV 35S promoter); lacZ (LacZ alpha fragment); pUBI (maize ubiquitin promoter); Cry1B (synthetic Cry1B gene); tNOS (Agrobacterium tumefaciens nopaline synthase terminator); RB (right border); rice (rice genome) [Schema adapted from 24]