Table 3 .
Number of orthopedic procedures per anatomic site
Site | Type of procedures | Total |
Hip | Proximal femoral osteotomy | 23 |
Extraction of material osteosynthesis | 14 | |
Iliopsoas transfer | 11 | |
Pelvic osteotomy | 11 | |
Unspecified | 9 | |
Tenotomy and lengthening (adductor tenotomy; rectus femoris tenotmy; tensor fascia lata tenotomy; iliopsoas tenotomy; sartorius lengthening) | 7 | |
Hip osteotomy (unspecified) | 4 | |
Knee | Tenotomy/lengthening and hamstring lengthening | 3 |
Unspecified | 2 | |
Extraction of material osteosynthesis | 1 | |
Supracondylar extension osteotomy | 1 | |
Foot and ankle | Tenotomy/lengthening | 44 |
Unspecified | 28 | |
Osteotomy | 26 | |
Arthrodesis | 14 | |
Extraction of material osteosynthesis | 14 | |
Tendon transfer/transposition | 13 | |
Steindler operation | 8 | |
External fixator (Ilizarov; multiplanar; Taylor spatial frame) | 4 | |
Tarsectomy | 3 | |
Epiphysiodesis | 2 | |
Reduction of astragalus dislocation | 2 | |
Foot amputation/surgery for polydactyly | 2 | |
Bone graft | 1 | |
Cuboid resection | 1 | |
Spine | Wound healing problems and infection (debridement/fistulectomy/myocutaneous flap/plastia) | 9 |
Spinal fusion surgery | 7 | |
Revision and/or extension of vertical expandable prosthetic titanium rib device | 7 | |
Hardware complications with implant removal (mechanical complications/instrumentation failure; chronic infection; skin/ wound issues) | 6 | |
Posterior fusion with instrumentation | 5 | |
Unspecified | 5 | |
Instrumentation revision/extension of fusion | 4 | |
Anterior fusion with instrumentation | 2 | |
Vertical expandable prosthetic titanium rib device | 2 | |
Thoracoplasty | 1 |