The spatiotemporal expression patterns of jmjd6a and jmjd6b during the embryogenesis of X. laevis.
A, temporal expression of jmjd6a (accession no. NM_001092479) and jmjd6b (accession no. NM_001087045) in different stages (st.) of embryos as detected with RT-PCR. Expression of odc was used as a loading control. RT−, transcription without reverse transcriptase. B and C, spatial expression patterns of jmjd6a (B) and jmjd6b (C) as detected with whole-mount in situ hybridization. Embryo stages are indicated at the top of each panel. a, anterior view with the dorsal at the top of the panel; ba, branchial arch; bl, blastopore lip; br, brain; ey, eye; fb, forebrain; hb, hindbrain; l, lateral view with the anterior to the left; la, lateral view with animal pole at the top; ld, lateral-dorsal view with the animal pole at the top; mb, midbrain; np, neural plate; nt, neural tube; ov, otic vesicle.