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. 2012 Jun 5;2(2):32–37. doi: 10.5588/pha.11.0028


Comparison of time taken to compile cohort reports between ART clinic register and pharmacy data stock cards

ART facility Type of facility ART patients registered n ART cohort report
Pharmacy stock cards
Staff n Min Staff n Min
Matawale HC, Q4 2010 MOH Health Center (Level 1) 1 323 3 534 3 57
Matawale HC, Q1 2011 Health Center (Level 1) 1 325 2 290 1 37
St. Luke’s MH, Q4 2010 CHAM Mission Hospital (Level 2) 2 888 4 532 3 66
St. Luke’s MH, Q1 2011 CHAM Mission Hospital (Level 2) 3 067 4 563 2 33
Holy Family MH, Q4 2010 CHAM Mission Hospital (Level 2); acts as District Hospital 4 384 4 1473 1 80
Holy Family MH, Q1 2011 CHAM Mission Hospital (Level 2); acts as District Hospital 4 561 2 444 2 141
Mulanje DH, Q4 2010 MOH District Hospital (Level 2) 7 912 8 1176 2 99
Mulanje DH, Q1 2011 MOH District Hospital (Level 2) 8 328 NA NA 1 59
Zomba CH, Q4 2010 MOH Central Hospital (Level 3); NGO supported ART Clinic 15 269 2 106* 3 185
Zomba CH, Q1 2011 MOH Central Hospital (Level 3); NGO supported ART Clinic 14 840 2 40 1 55
Average 6 392 3 573 2 81

The report was terminated early by the supervision team because of inconsistencies between the paper and electronic database, due to merging of the old electronic database (Dignitas International) with the new electronic database (MOH Baobab).

ART = antiretroviral treatment; HC =health centre; MOH = Ministry of Health; Q =quarter; MH = mission hospital; CHAM =Christian Health Association of Malawi; DH = district hospital; NA = data not available, supervision team was not timed; CH = central hospital; NGO = non-governmental organisation.