Figure 3. Endogenous BAP1 and HDAC2 expression are positively correlated.
A–B. Protein extracts from the panel of SCLC, NSCLC and normal lung derived cell lines shown in Figure 1B were analyzed for BAP1 expression. A representative immunoblot A. and quantification of relative protein expression B., showing that HDAC2 protein levels correlate with those of BAP1 in non-neuroendocrine cells (linear regression R2 = 0.68). C–D. Immunoblotting in normal mesothelial cells and mesothelioma cell lines with differing genetic BAP1 status. A representative immunoblot C. and quantification of relative protein expression from three independent experiments D. show HDAC2 protein levels correlate with those of BAP1. NCI-H2052 cells are an outlier and have genetic loss of HDAC2 copy number (linear regression for other cell lines, R2 = 0.98).