A. Microarray log2 expression values (Y-axis) of up-regulated ApiAP2 genes generated from RNA derived from an in vitro stage-differentiation time-course from Day 0 (macroschizont) to Day 9 (merozoite), and piroplasm stage (x-axis). B. Microarray log2 expression values (Y-axis) of down-regulated APiAP2 genes generated from RNA derived from an in vitro stage-differentiation time-course from Day 0 (macroschizont) to Day 9 (merozoite), and piroplasm stage (x-axis). C. QRT-PCR analysis of ApiAP2 gene, TA11145, expression, plotted as fold change in expression relative to the Day 0 (macroschizont) at Day 4, Day 7 and Day 9 (merozoite), and piroplasm stage. D. QRT-PCR analysis of ApiAP2 gene, TA13515, expression, plotted as fold change in expression relative to the Day 0 (macroschizont) at Day 4, Day 7 and Day 9 (merozoite), and piroplasm stage. Significant difference (P value ≤ 0.05) *, relative to Day 0 and +, relative to the preceding time-point/stage.