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. 2015 Aug 17;5:13087. doi: 10.1038/srep13087

Table 1. Table defining the acronyms related to the used feature selection and classification methods.

Classification method acronym Classification method name Feature Selection method acronym Feature selection method name
Nnet Neural network RELF Relief
DT Decision Tree FSCR Fisher score
BST Boosting GINI Gini index
BY Bayesian CHSQ Chi-square score
BAG Bagging JMI Joint mutual information
RF Random Forset CIFE Conditional infomax feature extraction
MARS Multi adaptive regression splines DISR Double input symmetric relevance
SVM Support vector machines MIM Mutual information maximization
DA Discriminant analysis CMIM Conditional mutual information maximization
NN Neirest neighbour ICAP Interaction capping
GLM Generalized linear models TSCR T-test score
PLSR Partial least squares and prinicipal componenet regression MRMR Minimum redundancy maximum relevance
MIFS Mutual information feature selection
WLCX Wilcoxon