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. 2015 Aug 14;59(9):5316–5323. doi: 10.1128/AAC.00308-15


Summary of mutations identified in genes ddn and fgd1

nt change by gene aa change Frequency Concn used for selection (μM) Comment(s)
Gene Rv3547/ddn
    24ΔT 8Phe→Phe 1 5 Single-nucleotide deletion→frameshift
    32C→A 11Ser→STOP 31 1/5 Early termination codon
    65C→T 22Ser→Leu 1 1 Decrease in enzyme activity (5)
    72/73ΔTA 24Ile→Ile 1 1 Double-nucleotide deletion→frameshift
    73ΔA 25-Asn→Ile 1 1 Single-nucleotide deletion→frameshift
    87C →A 29Tyr→STOP 1 5 Early termination codon
    124C→T 42Gln→STOP 1 5 Early termination codon
    143T→C 48Leu→Pro 1 5 Single-nucleotide substitution
    163⌂CGC 55⌂Arg 2 1 In-frame 1-aa insertion; loop interacting with polyglutamate tail of F420
    163⌂21 bp 55⌂7 aa 1 5 In-frame 7-aa insertion; loop interacting with polyglutamate tail of F420
    232T→C 78Ser→Pro 1 1 Single-nucleotide substitution
    242G→A 81Gly→Asp 1 1 Flanking F420-interacting residue
    257C→T 86Pro→Leu 1 5 Substitution loses contact with F420 cofactor
    262T→C 88Trp→Arg 2 1 Loss of H-bond with F420
    290ΔA 97Lys→Arg 1 5 Single-nucleotide deletion→frameshift
    320T→C 107Leu→Pro 1 1 Partially accessible β-strand flanking F420-binding site
    361G→A 121Glu→Lys 1 1 Single-nucleotide substitution
    397T→G 133Tyr→Asp 3 5 Localize in PA-824 putative binding site; substitutions of 133Tyr previously shown to abolish activity (5)
    409C→T 137Gln→STOP 1 5 Nucleotide substitution→early termination codon
Total no. of ddn mutants 53
Gene Rv0407/fgd1
    128C→G 43Pro→Arg 2 5 Putative glucose-6-phosphate-binding site (16)
    212G→A 71Gly→Asp 1 1 Flanks F420-binding site
    317G→T 106Gly→Val 1 1 Putative F420-binding site
    336C→A 112Asn→Lys 1 5 Putative H-bond with F420 cofactor
    146ΔGCCATG 129Gly→Ala, 130ΔH, 131ΔA 1 5 Out-of-frame 6-nt (2-aa) deletion
    428G→A 143Trp→STOP 1 1 Nucleotide substitution→early termination codon
    429G→A 143Trp→STOP 1 5 Nucleotide substitution→early termination codon
    498ΔC 166Pro→Pro 1 5 Single-nucleotide deletion→frameshift
    506G→C 169Gly→Ala 1 5 Loop distant from active site, function unknown
    678ΔA 227Asp→Glu 1 5 Single-nucleotide insertion→frameshift
    688G→A 230Glu→Lys 1 1 Putative glucose-6-phosphate-binding site (16)
Total no. of fgd1 mutants 12