Fig. 1. SEMA3F expression is lost during head and neck cancer progression.
A) SEMA3F (3p21.1–3p21.2) and PIK3CA (3q26.2-2q26.3) are located on Chromosome 3 and their genomic copy number in head and neck cancer patients according to TCGA was calculated. Clinical outcome for patients with normal (CN=2) or SEMA3F heterozygous loss (CN=1) were interrogated and Kaplan-Meier (B) and Cox Proportional Hazard survival curves (C), median survival (D) evidence of metastatic disease (E), and lymphovascular invasion (F) were determined. G) Immunohistochemistry of SEMA3F in primary tumor sections of normal oral epithelium and cancer. H) Quantification of SEMA3F staining in a tissue array including normal oral epithelium, Stage I, II, III and IV cancers cases. Tissues were evaluated for intensity and percentage of positive cells, with 0 being absent staining and 4+ being intense staining in all cells. I) The same array was also stained for podoplanin (lymphatic vessels) and CD31 (blood vessels) and correlation to SEMA3F expression was calculated using Pearson’s Coefficient. Statistical significance compared to normal was determined by Student’s t-test, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001.