The data shown in this figure are from publications of the three randomized controlled trials that presented the efficacy of male circumcision using different statistical methods. Specifically, for HIV, HSV-2 (South Africa), C. trachomatis (Kenya), T. vaginalis (Kenya) and N. gonorrhoeae (Kenya) the ratio expressed above is an incidence rate ratio. For HR-HPV, N gonorrhoeae (South Africa), and GUD the ratio expressed above is a prevalence rate ratio. For HSV-2 (Uganda) and syphilis, the ratio expressed above is a hazard ratio. For T. vaginalis (South Africa) and C. trachomatis (South Africa) the ratio expressed above is an odds ratio. For HSV-2 (Kenya) the data are expressed as a risk ratio. All ratios are adjusted (except South African HSV-2, Kenyan HSV-2, Kenyan bacterial STIs) and represent an intention-to-treat analysis (except Kenyan HSV-2).