Fig. 5.
Bovine serum albumin digestion in gastric phase of a model gut system with and without FMC13 alginate. The graph shows total protein recovered from model gut system after TCA (trichloroacetic acid) precipitation to stop enzyme activity and remove undigested polypeptides. 0.5 g BSA was digested alone (control digestion) and in the presence of varying concentrations of FMC13. Control digestion is represented as as (■) and digestion with FMC13 at 125 mg as (♦), 250 mg (▾) and 500 mg (▴). All samples were tested in triplicate, errors are shown as standard deviation. At T[60] by the end of the gastric phase, 125, 250 and 500 mg of FMC13 alginate significantly inhibited the gastric digestion of protein by 23.4% (P = 0.021), 52.2% (P = 0.040) and 43.5% (P = 0.013), respectively (t-test).