Sxl can induce alternative splicing of ELAV target nrg, and ELAV family RBPs can interfere with sexual differentiation and dosage compensation. (A to C) Neuronal alternative splicing of the nrg GFP reporter UNGA in control wing discs and upon expression of UAS-HA-ELAV or UAS-Sxl with dpp-GAL4 stained with anti-GFP antibodies. Scale bar, 150 μm. (D to I) Expression of ELAV with dsx-GAL4 inhibits sexual differentiation of male genitals (side and back views in panels D and E panels F and G, respectively) and sex combs (H and I). Scale bars, 100 μm (E and G) and 50 μm (I). (J) Viability of males from neuronal overexpression of UAS transgenes with elav-GAL4C155, shown as percentage relative to females from the same cross. The total number of flies is shown in parentheses. (K) Viability of females from crosses of mutants in ELAV family proteins with Sxl7B0 null males, shown as a percentage relative to balancer-carrying females (elav) or to males (fne and Rbp9) from the same cross. The total number of flies is shown in parentheses.