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. 2015 Aug 4;2015:135782. doi: 10.1155/2015/135782

Table 2.

Estimates of epistasis and interaction effects with the environments under three different population structures (70%).

Chr.i SNPID.i Chr.j SNPID.j Pop aa aae 1 aae 2 Power
Par. Est. Par. Est. Par. Est.
2 44 3 63 100 3.86 3.42 4.47 4.87 −4.47 −3.99 100.00
150 3.24 5.05 −3.90 100.00
200 3.21 5.12 −3.79 99.50

aa: additive-additive epistasis effect; aae 1 and aae 2: the environment-specific additive-additive epistasis effect; Pop, Power, Par., and Est. have same definitions as those in Table 1.