Figure 5.
Higher DNA binding protein turnover proximal to the spindle axis. FRAP analysis of TetR-GFP and condensin. (A) Representative images of dicentric plasmids pre, post, and 2–4 min after photobleaching. Blue arrowhead marks the bleached TetR-GFP spot. SPBs are indicated by white arrows. Bar, 0.5 µm. (B) Images of condensin pre, post, and 5 min after photobleaching. Blue arrowhead indicates the bleached condensin bound to pericentric DNA. Red arrow indicates condensin bound to the rDNA locus. Only pericentric condensin was bleached in the cell shown. Bar, 0.5 µm. (C) The percentage of cells showing recovery of condensin bound to the pericentric and rDNA loci in WT and mcm21Δ cells 10 min after bleaching. Recovery threshold is 30% of the original corrected signal. Each dataset summarizes multiple experiments (WT rDNA, n = 14; mcm21Δ, n = 13; WT pericentric, n = 12; mcm21Δ pericentric, n = 12 cells).