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. 2015 Aug 18;10(8):e0135887. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0135887

Table 2. Characteristics of the children with reported malaria and the features of their last malaria episode in Bata District.

Rural Urban P-Value
n % n %
Time since last malaria episode
Now 13 7.5 5 2.0
Last week 11 6.4 11 4.3
Between one and two weeks 66 38.2 74 29.0
Two weeks or + 83 48.0 165 64.7 0.001
Sex of child
Male 98 56.6 124 48.6
Female 75 43.4 131 51.4 0.103
Relationship with household head
Son/Daugther 63 36.4 134 52.5
Grandchild 77 44.5 81 31.8
Nephew 15 8.7 16 6.3
Great grandchild 4 2.3 4 1.6
Brother/Sister 1 0.6 1 0.4
Missing 13 7.5 19 7.5 0.041
Age group (years)
< 1 20 11.6 41 16.1
1–5 106 61.3 145 56.9
> 5 47 27.2 69 27.1 0.403
Who took the child outside for treatment? *
Father 6 4.4 10 4.4
Mother 102 74.5 179 78.9
Grandmother 17 12.4 25 11.0
Father and mother 2 1.5 6 2.6
Other 8 5.8 5 2.2
Don´t know 2 1.5 2 0.9 0.503
Treatment timelines *
Less than 24 hours 19 13.9 50 22.0
1 day 30 21.9 80 35.2
2 days 30 21.9 54 23.8
3 days 16 11.7 23 10.1
4 days 9 6.6 3 1.3
5 days or more 13 9.5 9 4.0
Don´t know 20 14.6 8 3.5 <0.001

*Information available for children who received treatment outside