In Vitro Follicle Growth (IVFG) provides a simple and rapid method of predicting adverse reproductive outcomes in mammals in response to environmental exposures. In IVFG, (A) large numbers of ovarian follicles are collected from pre-pubertal mouse ovaries and placed individually in wells of a 96-well plate containing chemicals of interest. Follicles are cultured and monitored for up to 6 days. (B) Upstream endpoints of IVFG include: (i) follicle survival, (ii) follicle morphology, (ii) antrum formation, (iv) hormone production, (v) oocyte meiotic competence, and (F) spindle structure. These hallmarks are robust biomarkers of both endocrine and gamete quality. (C) Uniform mouse follicles obtained by enzymatic digestion (A) were cultured in the bottom of 96-well plate.