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. 2014 Sep 6;123(2):519–547. doi: 10.1007/s11205-014-0747-y

Table 2.

Definitions and sources of variables

Variables Definitions and sources
SWB Subjective well-being, referring to how people experience the quality of their lives and it includes both emotional reactions and cognitive judgments
Source: Inglehart et al. (2008)
GLOBE cultural indices The future orientation index (FOI), uncertainty avoidance index (UAI), institutional collectivism (INC), in-group collectivism (ING), assertiveness (AOI), power distance (PDI), performance (POI), humane (HOI), gender egalitarianism (GEI)
Source: House et al. (2004)
Hofstede cultural indices

The long-term orientation (H-Long), uncertainty avoidance index (H-UAI), individualism index (H-IND), power distance (H-PDI), masculinity(H-MAS)

Source: Hofstede and Bond (1988)

GDP GDP in constant 2000 US 100-billion dollars
Source: WBDD
GDP growth The growth rate of GDP
Source: WBDD
Human rights (RIGHTS) The condition of a country in protecting individual’s civil or political rights
Source: Arrindell et al. 1997
Population density (POP) The percentage of the population of each nation living in urban areas
Source: Arrindell et al. 1997
Social comparison of income (SCI) The log of mean value of a nation’s bordering nations’ gross domestic product per capita.
Source: Arrindell et al. 1997
Education (EDU) Enrollment ratio in tertiary education
Source: WBDD
Language dummies Five 0/1 variables (English, Chinese, Spanish, French, and Dutch) used to indicate the official language of each country
Source: Stulz and Williamson (2003)