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. 2015 Aug 12;15:60. doi: 10.1186/s12874-015-0045-7

Table 4.

Practical recommendations and avenues of research for the validation of the GSLTPAQ in oncology research

Most popular specific uses Practical recommendations Avenues of research- types of validity evidence neededa
Use as a risk or protective factor for predicting health-related outcomes. Supported Relation with other PA measures in cancer survivors
Property of the measure required: Produce valid ranking.
Use as a measure of past behavior for predicting LTPA behavior, barriers or motivation. Supported Relation with other PA measures in cancer survivors
Supported Relation with other PA measures in cancer survivors
Property of the measure required: Produce valid ranking.
Use as a behavioral outcome in studies aiming at identifying the determinants of LTPA behavior.
Property of the measure required: Produce valid ranking.
Use as behavioral outcome in studies evaluating the effectiveness of behavior change intervention to increase LTPA. Supported Behavioral stability among initially inactive cancer survivors; Relation with other PA measures in cancer survivors; Sensitivity to changes in LTPA among initially inactive cancer survivors.
Property of the measure required: Produce valid ranking; detect and quantify relative change in LTPA behavior.
Use as behavioral outcome in studies evaluating the effectiveness of behavior change intervention to maintain LTPA. Not supported Behavioral stability among initially active cancer survivors; Relation with other PA measures among initially active cancer survivors; Sensitivity to changes in LTPA among initially active cancer survivors.
Property of the measure required: Produce valid ranking; detect and quantify relative change in LTPA behavior.
Use as behavioral outcome for comparing baseline levels of LTPA of cancer survivors randomly allocated to one of the experimental conditions. Supported Relation with other PA measures in cancer survivors.
Property of the measure required: Produce valid ranking.
Use as a behavioral outcome for evaluating LTPA behavior change across the cancer experience (i.e., before diagnosis, during treatment, and after treatment). Not supported Behavioral stability in cancer survivors; Relation with other PA measures in cancer survivors; Sensitivity to changes LTPA in cancer survivors.
Property of the measure required: Produce valid ranking; detect and quantify relative change in LTPA behavior.
Use as a behavioral outcome for reporting and describing PA prevalence. Property of the measure required: Produce stable estimates of LTPA at the population level that are free of bias (i.e., accurately estimate LTPA levels) Not supported Behavioral stability in cancer survivors; Relation with other PA measures in cancer survivors (absolute interpretation).

aBased on the approach suggested by Masse and de Niet [16]. LTPA leisure-time physical activity, PA physical activity.