Figure 4.
Localization and Characterization of ZDHHC5 in HeLa Cells
(A) Primary screen anti-CD8 antibody-uptake images for control cells (top) and ZDHHC5 KD cells (bottom).
(B) Cells stably expressing ZDHHC5-Myc show localization of ZDHHC5 to the plasma membrane and to intracellular tubules and vesicles. Some colocalization between ZDHHC5 and retromer VPS35 is observed (arrowheads in inset). Following nocodazole treatment endosomes are dispersed and some are labeled with ZDHHC5 and VPS35 (arrowheads in inset).
(C) Control and ZDHHC5 siRNA-treated SFT2D2-Myc cells were mixed and stained for ZDHHC5, Myc, and VPS35. KD cells are marked by an asterisk.
(D) Control and ZDHHC5 siRNA-treated HeLa cells were mixed and stained for ZDHHC5, α5-integrin, and VPS35. KD cells are indicated with an asterisk.
(E) Control (top) and ZDHHC5 KD (bottom) HeLa cells were fixed and stained for TGN46 and β1-integrin.
Scale bars in (A)–(E), 20 μm, except inset in (B), 2 μm.