Figure 1.
Temporal evolutions of the assortativity coefficient of functional brain networks derived from patient 4 (upper part) and from patient 1 (lower part). Time profiles were smoothed using a moving average over 30 windows corresponding to 10.24 min for better legibility. Discontinuities are due to recording gaps. Tics on x-axes denote midnight. Vertical red lines mark the times of electrical onset of seizures, and the horizontal black lines (standard deviation is shown in green) denote the mean assortativity coefficient of Erdős-Rényi networks having the same number of nodes and the same link density as the functional networks. Below the time courses, we show the respective frequency distributions of the assortativity coefficient and power spectral density estimates of the temporal evolutions (Lomb-Scargle periodograms, computed by applying the algorithm proposed in Press and Rybicki, 1989 to the full, unfiltered, demeaned time profiles).