Fig. 5.
a Dynamics of the numbers of the rotifer Keratella quadrata in zooplankton samples of a mesocosm treated twice (days 0 and 14) with different concentrations (0.8–10 μg/L) of an insecticide. b Dynamics of the numbers of Culicidae midge larvae in net samples from a mesocosm treated once (1–100 μg/L) with a fungicide. c Dynamics of the abundance of the green alga Monoraphidium in phytoplankton samples from a mesocosm treated twice (days 0 and 14) with different concentrations (0.2–20 μg/L) of an insecticide. Shown below each panel are the calculated %MDDabu and NOEC values for each sampling day (a ‘+’ behind NOEC value indicates a treatment-related increase). If a NOEC is placed between brackets, this means that the corresponding %MDDabu value is >100 % and a proper NOEC for treatment-related decline cannot be derived