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. 2015 Aug 6;2015:532481. doi: 10.1155/2015/532481

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Stratigraphic profile from Chogha Golan with AMS dates in years cal BP (locations of dated samples indicated with blue dots in the profile) and archaeological horizons (AH) in Roman numbers. Percentages of taxa and groups of taxa relevant for the development of cultivation and domestication in each sample based on the total of all identifications from each AH (location of samples are indicated with red dots in the profile): Aegilops sp. (goat-grass), Triticum-type taxa: agglomeration of different Triticum taxa (including Triticum boeoticum/dicoccoides grains and glume bases, free-threshing wheat type rachis internodes and unidentified Triticum taxa), Hordeum spontaneum (wild barley), probable arable weeds acc. to Willcox [3] including Trigonella sp., Silene sp., Reseda luteola, Ornithogalum/Muscari, Medicago radiata, Malva sp., Lithospermum sp., Heliotropium sp., Gypsophila sp., Galium sp., Fumaria sp., Erodium sp., Coronilla sp., Centaurea sp. and Adonis sp.; (n) number of seed and chaff records identified in each horizon. The yellow bar indicates the equivalent Levantine cultural chronology. The palynological and stable oxygen isotope data (right) represent the relevant sequences of Lake Zeribar record extracted from [55].