(A) Sequential fundoscopy scores of ex-GF R161H mice. GF R161H mice (N=4) co-housed with SPF mice (N=6) after weaning. One representative kinetic of 2 repeat experiments is shown.
(B) Histological evaluation of ex-GF R161H mice at the end of co-housing. Data from 2 experiments (9 wk-old and 12-wk old) are combined. Control GF R161H mice were obtained at 12-wks of age. **p<0.005 by Mann-Whitney test.
(C) Induction of CD69 expression in CD4+ Dimer (+) vs. Dimer (−) T cells from LN of R161H mice after 20 h of stimulation with intestinal content extracts. **p<0.005 by 2-way ANOVA.
(D) IL-2 production by R161H lymphocytes in response to the extracts in presence or absence of anti-MHC class II Ab.
(E–F) Induction of CD69 expression in R161H lymphocytes after 20 h of stimulation with LPS (E) or with M. tuberculosis (MTB) extract (F).
(G) Naïve R161H Rbp3
Rag2−/− cells stimulated with intestinal content extracts (Ext) treated or not with Proteinase K (PK) in presence of APC (DC) from WT or Rbp3−/− mice.
(H) Cultures as in G, stimulated with intestinal content extract from GF or SPF R161H donors. *p<0.05. (Note related data shown in Figure S6.)
(I) R161H lymphocytes were cultured with the protein-rich extracts of intestinal contents (Ext) for 3 days and indicated numbers of the cells were injected into WT recipients. Shown are histology scores in recipients on day 11. One representative experiment of four is shown.