a, Endogenous Hes1 and Id localization in HUVECs treated with Dll4, BMP6, DAPT or Dorsomorphin. b, Hes1/Ids heteromers detected by in situ PLA using pan-Id and Hes1 antibodies. c, PLA signal quantification of (b). d, e, Reduced levels of Hes1/Ids heteromers upon Sm1/5 siRNA transfection. f, g, Dynamic regulation of Hes1/Ids and Hey1/Id3 heteromers in function of time. P values were calculated using two-tailed Student’s t-test (c,d, n ≥ 71; g n, ≥ 105). Abbreviations: Dorso, dorsomorphin hydrochloride. Scale bars: 40 μm (a, f), 15 μm (b, d). See also Figures S7.