Figure 4.
Three-dimensional localization of consensus epitopes. The protein structures are shown in green, and the conserved epitopes are shown as blue, yellow, and cyan spheres. The mutations within the consensus epitopes, compared to the current strains, are shown as red spheres. (a) [PDB: 2WR3] HA H1N1 in blue 127SVSSFERFEIFPK136; in cyan 333VTGLRNIPSIQSRGL346 (b) [PDB: 2WRD] HA H2N2 in blue 204LYQNVGTYVSVGTST218; in yellow 255FESTGNLIAPEYGFKIS271; in cyan 337IESRGLFGAIAGFIEGGWQ355 (c) [PDB: 2YP2] HA H3N2 in blue 113CYPYDVPDYASLRS126; in cyan 324YVKQNTLKLA333 (d) [PDB: 4BGW] HA H5N1 in yellow 229IATRSKVNGQSGRM243 (e) [PDB: 4B7J] NA H1N1 in blue 96GWAIYSKDNNS106; in yellow 206LKYNGIITETIKSW219 (f) [PDB: 4GZQ] NA H3N2 in yellow 314SSYVCSGLVGDTPR327 (g) [PDB: 4B7J] NA H5N1 in blue 105SHLECRTFFLTQGALLNDKH124; in cyan 234KIFKMEKGKVVKSVEL249 (h) NP H5N1 in blue 192ELIRMIKRGINDRNFWR208; in yellow 261RSALILRGSVAHKSCL276; in cyan 401ASAGQISVQPTFSVQRN417 (i) [PDB: 2RLF] M2 H1N1 in blue 29AASIIGILHLIL40; in yellow 51ITRLFKHGLK60.