Figure 5.
Serial dilutions of blood were used to modify clot stiffness and compare the Haemonetics TEG 5000 with ASAP measurements using split specimens. A) Output of TEG on representative blood samples: normal blood (blue circles), 33% dilution (cyan stars), 50% dilution (green squares), and 66% dilution (red diamonds). Note the noiseless curves, which are the result of intense smoothing by the TEG software. B) ASAP results for the same four specimens show the same features seen in TEG: as dilution increases, clotting time are rate are slightly reduced, while clot stiffness is dramatically reduced. No smoothing was applied to the ASAP results. C) ASAP and TEG systems show excellent correlation (r=0.91). Clot stiffness is plotted on the x-axis in TEG maximum amplitude and on the y-axis in terms of ASAP maximum applied field. The consistency across platforms is surprising given that the ASAP system has a much higher surface area to volume ration than TEG.