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. 2014 Dec 22;50(4):1043–1068. doi: 10.1111/1475-6773.12274

Table 3.

Appropriate Use Regressions: Parameter Estimates and Acquisition Marginal Effects

ACS|Admission Future Readmit|Admission ED Appropriate
Estimate p-value Estimate p-value Estimate p-value
Parameter estimates
 Acquisition effect
  Acq1A −0.0096 .8740 −0.1143 .1120 0.0163 .7240
  Acq1B −0.0212 .8480 0.0207 .8530 0.1192 .0840
  Acq2 0.2054 .0040 0.0534 .4730 0.1286 .0080
  Age 18–22 Omitted Omitted Omitted
  Age 23–30 0.0475 .2350 −0.1080 .0030 0.0717 .0000
  Age 30–45 0.1942 .0000 0.0732 .0260 0.2170 .0000
  Age 45–60 0.3872 .0000 0.1196 .0000 0.3128 .0000
  Age 60+ 0.5742 .0000 −0.1448 .0000 0.3059 .0000
 Female −0.1336 .0000 −0.2218 .0000 −0.0200 .0920
 Prior-year health status
  No valid diagnosis 0.1367 .0010 0.1544 .0000 0.0344 .2000
  Healthy user Omitted Omitted Omitted
  Low risk 0.0252 .5100 0.0821 .0420 −0.0234 .3620
  Moderate risk 0.0168 .5700 0.0899 .0050 0.0686 .0000
  High risk 0.1084 .0010 0.2068 .0000 0.1531 .0000
  Very high risk 0.4275 .0000 0.4907 .0000 0.3094 .0000
 Neighborhood effects
  % White, non-Hispanic 0.0001 .9450 0.0009 .2940 −0.0003 .5220
  % High school only −0.0046 .0390 −0.0043 .0600 0.0047 .0020
  % Bachelors or higher −0.0049 .0110 −0.0038 .0480 0.0049 .0000
  % Income below FPL 0.0007 .5780 0.0017 .1850 −0.0014 .0850
  % Speaking English only 0.0024 .0520 0.0029 .0320 −0.0024 .0030
  Broad PPO Omitted Omitted Omitted
  Narrow network −0.0433 .0550 −0.1038 .0000 0.0762 .0000
  Medicaid 0.1382 .0000 −0.0387 .0580 0.0040 .7520
 Attributed system
  Acq 1A 0.0225 .6370 0.0100 .8660 −0.0589 .1140
  Acq 1B 0.1480 .0690 −0.0889 .2950 −0.1978 .0000
  Acq 2 0.0387 .4890 −0.0359 .5260 −0.0685 .0960
  IDS 1 Omitted Omitted Omitted
  IDS 2 0.0144 .5350 −0.0951 .0000 −0.2142 .0000
  IDS 3 0.0392 .0780 −0.0313 .1780 −0.0915 .0000
  IDS 4 0.0284 .2860 0.0408 .1440 0.0222 .2670
  IDS 5 0.0595 .1320 0.0026 .9430 −0.1777 .0000
  PC 1 −0.0233 .6350 −0.0308 .5720 −0.1200 .0010
  PC 2 −0.2076 .0130 −0.2818 .0060 −0.1886 .0020
  MS 1 0.1579 .0000 −0.0122 .7220 −0.2481 .0000
  MS 2 0.0254 .6940 −0.1492 .0190 −0.1207 .0080
 Calendar year
  2006 Omitted Omitted Omitted
  2007 0.0098 .6400 −0.0258 .2830 −0.0196 .2050
  2008 0.0130 .6120 0.0078 .7800 −0.0847 .0000
  2009 −0.0305 .1810 0.0272 .2650 0.0224 .1740
  2010 −0.0473 .0440 0.0053 .8340 0.0680 .0000
  2011 −0.0643 .0060 0.0127 .6160 0.0620 .0000
  Constant −1.4164 .0000 −1.3667 .0000 0.8114 .0000
 Acquisition marginal effects
  Acq1A −0.0017 .8730 −0.0163 .0870 0.0031 .7220
  Acq1B −0.0036 .8460 0.0032 .8550 0.0212 .0630
  Acq2 0.0401 .0090 0.0085 .4870 0.0227 .0040
N 85,286 89,180 177,196
Avg indicator 0.1063 0.0865 0.8859