Figure 6. A mechanical pivot in the linkage between TCRα and CD3ζζ.
(A) TCR-CD3T M12 cells accumulate TCRs at the interface with pMHC+ APCs. TCR-CD3T cells were incubated with control (top) or pMHC+ APCs (bottom). Live cell imaging (30 seconds per frame) is shown as TCRβ-mEGFP overlaid on DIC images or mEGFP alone. See also Movies S3 and S4 and Figure S7A and S7B
(B-D) Increased cis interactions after TCR engagement. (B) CD3ζLplAζLAP1 (cis) and CD3ζLAP1ζLAP1 (trans) modules are shown after ID-PRIME and CuAAC by two-color blot for Myc tag IPs of lysates from TCR-CD3T cells co-incubated with control or pMHC+ APCs. Change in (C) cis or (D) trans modification after TCR engagement relative to cis SA/Myc values from control APC samples are shown as the mean +/−SEM of 4 replicates from 4 independent experiments (*p<0.05; Mann-Whitney).