Fig. 3.
Protein and gene expression levels of key iron transport proteins in the gastrocnemius muscle of young and old rats in control, HS, HS+7 and HS+14 groups. There was a significant age-related decrease in TfR1 protein (A) and gene expression (B) levels in gastrocnemius muscle (p<0.0001). Post hoc analysis showed that re-loading following HS was associated with higher TfR1 protein levels in the gastrocnemius muscle of young rats, whereas TfR1 protein and mRNA levels did not differ between groups in old rats. Significant age, treatment and interaction effects have been observed in Zip14 protein levels (C), though mRNA levels (D) were fairly constant. (E) HS was associated with higher DMT1 protein levels in the gastrocnemius muscle of aged, but not young rats. Moreover, the mRNA levels of DMT1 nonIRE (F) and IRE (G) in the gastrocnemius muscle of young and old rats were determined. With respect to the only known iron export protein in mammals, the mRNA levels of FPN (H) didn’t change with age or HS in gastrocnemius muscles. However, 7 and 14 days of re-loading after HS in old rats was associated with lower FPN mRNA levels in comparison with their age-matched HS animals. Values are means±SEM (n=7–8). a,b,cDifferent letters are significantly different from each other (p<0.05). Graph bar legends: Control, non-suspended control; HS, 14 days of HS; HS+7, 14 days of HS followed by 7 days of ambulatory re-loading; HS+14, 14 days of HS followed by 14 days of ambulatory re-loading.