Table 1.
Data Types in ZFIN
Data Category | Data Types | Metadata |
Sequence Features | genes, pseudogenes, microRNAs, transcripts, BACs, PACs, fosmids, cDNA clones, ESTs, morpholinos, SSLPs, RAPDs, STSs, engineered regions and foreign genes | chromosomal location, mapping data, relationships between sequence features, sequence accession IDs |
Alleles and Variations | insertions, point mutations, inversions, transgenic insertions, translocations, deletions, small deletions, substitutions, indels, SNPs, allele designations | genotype zygosity, chromosomal location, availability from resource centers and labs, mapping data |
Sequence Targeting Reagents | morpholinos, CRISPRs and TALENs | sequences, phenotypes and expression in fish treated with reagent, genotypes created with reagent, transgenic constructs used to create transgenic insertions |
Transgenic Constructs and Lines | Transgenic constructs, line designations | relationships between sequence features, genotype zygosity, availability from resource centers and labs, expression and phenotype data, transgenic constructs used to create transgenic insertions |
Phenotypes | phenotype curated from papers and loaded through collaborations with users providing phenotype data | developmental stage, experimental conditions, genotype, anatomy, GO, MPATH, spatial and quality ontology terms |
Genotypes | single/double/triple/etc. mutants, transgenic fish, wild-types, complex rearrangements, morpholino/TALEN/CRISPR genotypes | parental genotype, phenotypes and expression that use genotypes, genotype availability from resource centers and labs |
Gene Expression | expression curated from papers and loaded through collaborations with users providing expression data | genotype, experimental conditions, developmental stage, anatomical structures, image sizes, dimensions, and contents, captions and labels for phenotypes and expression that use figures/images |
Antibodies | gene expression patterns and antibody staining patterns | labeled cellular and anatomical structures, stages, targeted genes, sources and availability, host organism, antibody type and isotype, assays |
Experimental Conditions | changes to temperature, salinity, chemical, etc. conditions | Specifics about experimental conditions such as increased or decreased temperature, which chemical was used, etc., phenotypes, expression that use the experimental condition |
Ontologies | gene ontology (GO), quality, anatomy, MPATH neoplasms, spatial, developmental stage ontology, UBERON (Mine only), MEDIC (Mine only) | terms for phenotype, expression, and gene data, term definition, relationships between terms |
Homologues | curated zebrafish homologues in mouse, human, and fly, predicted homologues from the PANTHER data source (Mine only) | homologue names, symbols and chromosome locations, human disease information from OMIM |
Data Sources | publications, laboratories, companies, people | names, PubMed IDs, addresses, phone numbers, reagents, allele registrations, web sites, lab members |
Nomenclature | genes, pseudogenes, transgenics, mutants, constructs | line designations, gene names |
Figures, Images, Movies | expression and phenotype images from publications, user submitted images and movies, images of people, labs and companies | image sizes, dimensions, and contents, captions and labels for phenotypes and expression that use figures/images |
Links to Other Databases | NCBI (Gene, RefSeq, GenPept, UniGene, UniSTS, dbSNP, PubMed), OMIM, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute (Vega, Ensembl, ZMP), MGI, FlyBase, UniProtKB, InterPro, Pfam, PROSITE, GEO, EBI, NCBO-CARO, UCSC, CreZoo, miRBASE, Addgene, MODB, Zfishbook | length and types of sequences in other databases, plasmids, protein domains |
Acronyms and abbreviations used in Table 1: Addgene: non-profit plasmid repository; BAC: Bacterial Artificial Chromosome; cDNA: Complementary DNA; CreZoo: database of zebrafish CreER driver lines; CRISPR: Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats knockdown reagent; dbSNP: NCBI Short Genetic Variations database; EBI: European Bioinformatics Institute; Ensembl; automatically annotated eukaryotic genomes; EST: Expressed Sequence Tag; FlyBase: Drosophila model organism database; GenPept; NCBI Protein Sequence Database; GEO: Gene Expression Omnibus; GO: Gene Ontology; InterPro: Integrated Resource of Protein Domains and Functional Sites; MEDIC: disease vocabulary that includes MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) and OMIM disease terms; MGI: Mouse Genome Informatics; miRBase: miRNA sequence and annotation database; MODB: MOrpholino Database; MPATH: Mouse Pathology Ontology; NCBI: National Center for Biotechnology Information; NCBO-CARO: National Center for Biomedical Ontology - Common Anatomy Reference Ontology); OMIM: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man; PAC: P1 bacterophage Artificial Chromosome; PANTHER: Protein Analysis Through Evolutionary Relationships database; Pfam: Protein Families Database; PROSITE: Database of protein families and domains; PubMed: NCBI literature database; RAPD: Rapid amplified polymorphic DNA; RefSeq: NCBI Reference Sequence database; SSLP:Simple Sequence Length Polymorphism; STS: Sequence Tagged Site; TALEN: TAL Effector Nuclease; UBERON: cross-species “Uber-anatomy” ontology; UCSC: University of California Santa Cruz genome bioinformatics; UniGene: Non-redundant set of genes at NCBI; UniProtKB: Universal Protein Resource Knowledgebase; UniSTS; NCBI STS database, contents now in Probe database; Vega: Vertebrate Genome Annotation Database; Zfishbook: Zebrafish protein trap consortium database; ZMP; Zebrafish Mutation Project at the Sanger Institute