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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2016 Aug 1.
Published in final edited form as: Genesis. 2015 Jul 8;53(8):498–509. doi: 10.1002/dvg.22868

Table 1.

Data Types in ZFIN

Data Category Data Types Metadata
Sequence Features genes, pseudogenes, microRNAs, transcripts, BACs, PACs, fosmids, cDNA clones, ESTs, morpholinos, SSLPs, RAPDs, STSs, engineered regions and foreign genes chromosomal location, mapping data, relationships between sequence features, sequence accession IDs
Alleles and Variations insertions, point mutations, inversions, transgenic insertions, translocations, deletions, small deletions, substitutions, indels, SNPs, allele designations genotype zygosity, chromosomal location, availability from resource centers and labs, mapping data
Sequence Targeting Reagents morpholinos, CRISPRs and TALENs sequences, phenotypes and expression in fish treated with reagent, genotypes created with reagent, transgenic constructs used to create transgenic insertions
Transgenic Constructs and Lines Transgenic constructs, line designations relationships between sequence features, genotype zygosity, availability from resource centers and labs, expression and phenotype data, transgenic constructs used to create transgenic insertions
Phenotypes phenotype curated from papers and loaded through collaborations with users providing phenotype data developmental stage, experimental conditions, genotype, anatomy, GO, MPATH, spatial and quality ontology terms
Genotypes single/double/triple/etc. mutants, transgenic fish, wild-types, complex rearrangements, morpholino/TALEN/CRISPR genotypes parental genotype, phenotypes and expression that use genotypes, genotype availability from resource centers and labs
Gene Expression expression curated from papers and loaded through collaborations with users providing expression data genotype, experimental conditions, developmental stage, anatomical structures, image sizes, dimensions, and contents, captions and labels for phenotypes and expression that use figures/images
Antibodies gene expression patterns and antibody staining patterns labeled cellular and anatomical structures, stages, targeted genes, sources and availability, host organism, antibody type and isotype, assays
Experimental Conditions changes to temperature, salinity, chemical, etc. conditions Specifics about experimental conditions such as increased or decreased temperature, which chemical was used, etc., phenotypes, expression that use the experimental condition
Ontologies gene ontology (GO), quality, anatomy, MPATH neoplasms, spatial, developmental stage ontology, UBERON (Mine only), MEDIC (Mine only) terms for phenotype, expression, and gene data, term definition, relationships between terms
Homologues curated zebrafish homologues in mouse, human, and fly, predicted homologues from the PANTHER data source (Mine only) homologue names, symbols and chromosome locations, human disease information from OMIM
Data Sources publications, laboratories, companies, people names, PubMed IDs, addresses, phone numbers, reagents, allele registrations, web sites, lab members
Nomenclature genes, pseudogenes, transgenics, mutants, constructs line designations, gene names
Figures, Images, Movies expression and phenotype images from publications, user submitted images and movies, images of people, labs and companies image sizes, dimensions, and contents, captions and labels for phenotypes and expression that use figures/images
Links to Other Databases NCBI (Gene, RefSeq, GenPept, UniGene, UniSTS, dbSNP, PubMed), OMIM, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute (Vega, Ensembl, ZMP), MGI, FlyBase, UniProtKB, InterPro, Pfam, PROSITE, GEO, EBI, NCBO-CARO, UCSC, CreZoo, miRBASE, Addgene, MODB, Zfishbook length and types of sequences in other databases, plasmids, protein domains

Acronyms and abbreviations used in Table 1: Addgene: non-profit plasmid repository; BAC: Bacterial Artificial Chromosome; cDNA: Complementary DNA; CreZoo: database of zebrafish CreER driver lines; CRISPR: Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats knockdown reagent; dbSNP: NCBI Short Genetic Variations database; EBI: European Bioinformatics Institute; Ensembl; automatically annotated eukaryotic genomes; EST: Expressed Sequence Tag; FlyBase: Drosophila model organism database; GenPept; NCBI Protein Sequence Database; GEO: Gene Expression Omnibus; GO: Gene Ontology; InterPro: Integrated Resource of Protein Domains and Functional Sites; MEDIC: disease vocabulary that includes MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) and OMIM disease terms; MGI: Mouse Genome Informatics; miRBase: miRNA sequence and annotation database; MODB: MOrpholino Database; MPATH: Mouse Pathology Ontology; NCBI: National Center for Biotechnology Information; NCBO-CARO: National Center for Biomedical Ontology - Common Anatomy Reference Ontology); OMIM: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man; PAC: P1 bacterophage Artificial Chromosome; PANTHER: Protein Analysis Through Evolutionary Relationships database; Pfam: Protein Families Database; PROSITE: Database of protein families and domains; PubMed: NCBI literature database; RAPD: Rapid amplified polymorphic DNA; RefSeq: NCBI Reference Sequence database; SSLP:Simple Sequence Length Polymorphism; STS: Sequence Tagged Site; TALEN: TAL Effector Nuclease; UBERON: cross-species “Uber-anatomy” ontology; UCSC: University of California Santa Cruz genome bioinformatics; UniGene: Non-redundant set of genes at NCBI; UniProtKB: Universal Protein Resource Knowledgebase; UniSTS; NCBI STS database, contents now in Probe database; Vega: Vertebrate Genome Annotation Database; Zfishbook: Zebrafish protein trap consortium database; ZMP; Zebrafish Mutation Project at the Sanger Institute