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. 2015 Aug 20;15:807. doi: 10.1186/s12889-015-2051-4

Table 1.

Prevalence of the intention of protection against HIV and the adoption of a condom-based approach for protection against HIV by subgroups. Paris metropolitan area, France, 2010

Intention of protection against HIV Adoption of a condom-based approach
Variables Category Men % Women % Men % Women %
Demographic variables
Migration origin French with French parents 372/939 39.6 315/1030 30.6 330/939 35.1 220/1030 21.4
French of Sub-Saharan origin 34/58 58.3 21/55 38.6 24/58 41.0 14/55 24.8
Sub-Saharan foreigner 31/45 68.1 28/50 56.2 22/45 48.9 18/50 35.7
French of Maghrebi origin 34/89 37.9 23/111 20.6 23/89 25.9 14/111 12.9
Maghrebi foreigner 20/46 43.0 5/41 13.0 14/46 30.4 6/41 14.7
French of European origin 32/73 43.6 23/110 21.0 29/73 40.4 15/110 14.1
European foreigner 15/61 24.0 14/60 23.8 14/61 22.7 8/60 13.6
French of other origin 18/57 32.6 28/95 29.3 12/57 20.9 18/95 18.9
Other foreigner 13/36 37.0 6/39 15.5 7/36 18.8 7/39 17.2
Age ≤29 years old 233/300 77.8 163/298 54.7 227/300 75.9 137/298 45.9
30 - 44 years old 203/451 45.1 174/492 35.3 154/451 34.3 113/492 23.0
45 - 59 years old 91/334 27.4 93/381 24.5 66/334 19.7 57/381 15.1
≥60 years old 39/318 12.4 33/419 7.9 27/318 8.3 13/419 3.0
Socio-economic variables
Education level None or primary school 21/107 19.4 12/114 10.7 12/107 11.4 7/114 6.5
Secondary school 195/506 38.5 138/578 23.9 167/506 33.0 88/578 15.3
High school 352/790 44.5 312/898 34.8 295/790 37.4 224/898 25.0
Monthly income per consumption unit ≤1000€ 152/283 53.7 112/331 33.9 123/283 43.6 84/331 25.4
1001 - 1500€ 139/312 44.7 118/351 33.7 118/312 37.8 89/351 25.3
1501 - 2000€ 112/259 43.4 87/312 27.8 96/259 37.1 61/312 19.6
2001 - 3000€ 96/283 34.0 109/339 32.1 80/283 28.2 66/339 19.4
>3000€ 67/266 25.3 37/256 14.4 57/266 21.3 20/256 7.9
Religious affiliation and practice Regular religious practice 69/211 32.5 86/376 22.9 47/211 22.3 54/376 14.4
Irregular religious practice 95/228 41.4 86/318 27.1 75/228 33.0 65/318 20.4
Religious affiliation, no practice 148/401 36.8 128/425 30.2 123/401 30.6 80/425 18.8
Neither practice nor affiliation 257/562 45.6 163/471 34.5 229/562 40.7 121/471 25.7
Variables related to sexual biography
Couple status No relationship 219/303 72.4 147/419 35.1 214/303 70.8 126/419 30.0
Love affair 126/162 77.5 119/186 63.8 115/162 71.1 105/186 56.4
Non-cohabiting couple 57/88 65.5 36/77 46.2 51/88 58.3 30/77 38.9
Cohabiting couple 165/851 19.4 162/907 17.8 94/851 11.0 59/907 6.5
Lifetime number of couple relationships Never any couple relationship 259/323 80.3 151/258 58.3 248/323 76.8 133/258 51.6
One couple relationship 150/670 22.3 168/920 18.3 95/670 14.2 98/920 10.6
≥2 couple relationships 159/410 38.7 144/411 35.0 131/410 32.0 89/411 21.7
Number of sexual partners during the last 5 years Never had sex 2/17 12.1 5/57 8.6 0/17 0.0 0/57 0.0
None 34/114 29.8 40/244 16.5 31/114 26.7 27/244 10.9
One 154/796 19.4 212/1004 21.1 86/796 10.9 111/1004 11.0
Two or more 377/476 79.2 206/284 72.3 357/476 75.1 182/284 64.2
Self-perceived sexual orientation Heterosexual 522/1336 39.1 454/1545 29.4 436/1336 32.6 313/1545 20.3
Bisexual 8/13 62.9 6/11 51.9 8/13 62.9 6/11 51.9
Homosexual 35/40 87.4 2/8 24.5 28/40 70.7 0/8 0.0
Not answered 2/14 15.5 2/26 5.8 2/14 14.8 1/26 4.7
Variables related to communication about sexuality and perceptions of HIV
Intimate social network 0 person 124/557 22.3 77/546 14.1 94/557 16.9 31/546 5.7
1–2 person(s) 179/375 47.7 167/525 31.8 140/375 37.4 127/525 24.2
3–5 persons 131/237 55.3 143/288 49.6 121/237 50.9 110/288 38.2
6–25 persons 60/73 81.8 23/64 36.2 57/73 77.6 17/64 25.9
Anyone 40/66 60.4 24/59 40.1 35/66 53.4 14/59 24.3
Not answered 33/94 35.3 29/107 27.5 27/94 28.5 21/107 19.6
Perceived susceptibility to HIV infection No 350/1054 33.2 263/1221 21.6 290/1054 27.6 171/1221 14.0
Yes 217/349 62.3 200/369 54.2 184/349 52.7 149/369 40.4
Stigma toward HIV+ people No 269/520 51.7 243/641 37.8 233/520 44.7 180/641 28.1
Yes 298/883 33.8 220/948 23.3 242/883 27.4 140/948 14.8
Variables related to HIV prevention behaviours
Use of condoms Never/unknown 18/248 7.4 45/524 8.6 0/248 0.1 4/524 0.7
>5 years ago 81/502 16.1 100/520 19.2 45/502 8.9 42/520 8.1
≤5 years ago 468/654 71.7 318/545 58.3 429/654 65.7 274/545 50.3
Voluntary HIV testing No 322/943 34.1 193/1123 17.2 255/943 27.1 127/1123 11.3
Yes 246/460 53.5 270/467 57.8 219/460 47.7 193/467 41.3