Table 3.
Week of programme | Day of programme | Englisha | English with some Te Reo Māori words | Te Reo Māori |
1 | 1 (Mon) | From YourCall: Hi, thanks 4 taking part in the study. Over the next 4 weeks we will be sending u txts with info & ideas | From YourCall: Tena koe. Thanks 4 taking part in the study. Over the next 4 weeks we will be sending u txts with info & ideas | Mai i TōWaea: Tēnā koe. Ngā mihi ki a koe i whai wāhi mai ki te rangahautanga. Mō te 4 wiki e tū mai nei ka tuku kupu kawe pārongo, kawe whakaaro ki a koe |
1 | 3 (Wed) | YourCall: Your survey responses show your drinking is harmful 2 your health. Make a positive change in your life – cut down or quit | YourCall: Kia ora. Your survey responses show your drinking is not good 4 your health and wairua. Make a positive change in your life – cut down or quit | TōWaea: Kia ora. Nā ō whakautu rangahau kua kitea kāore e pai te waipiro ki tō hauora, wairua hoki. Tahuri ki te pai hei oranga mōu–whakaitia, whakamutua rānei |
1 | 3 (Wed) | YourCall: U can get confidential support from Alcohol Helpline ph 0800 787 797 web or your doctor | YourCall: Kia ora. U can get confidential support from Alcohol Helpline ph 0800 787 798 web or your doctor | TōWaea: Kia ora. Ka taea te tautoko matatapu mai i te Alcohol Helpline waea 0800 787 798, ipurangi, mai i tō tākuta rānei |
1 | 5 (Fri) | YourCall: Alcohol may be causing problems for u, your family & friends. We encourage u 2 think about your drinking and its impact on your life | YourCall: Kia ora. Alcohol may be causing problems for u, your whānau & friends. We encourage u 2 think about your drinking and its impact on your life & whānau | TōWaea: Kia ora. Kei te whakararu pea te waipiro i a koe, i tō whānau, i ō hoa hoki. Tēnā, āta whakaarohia tō inuinu me ana pānga ki a koe, oti rā ki te whānau |
1 | 7 (Sun) | YourCall: U might find it helpful 2 think about the good things & the not so good things about your drinking. Making a list can help | YourCall: U might find it helpful 2 think about the good things & the not so good things about your drinking. Making a list can help | TōWaea: He āwhina pea ina whakaaro koe mō ngā mea pai me ngā mea kāore i te tino pai e pā ana ki tō inuinu. He āwhina anō pea tētahi rārangi |
2 | 9 (Tues) | YourCall: We recommend u cut down or quit alcohol. Making a positive change can be hard, try small steps | YourCall: Kia ora. We recommend u cut down or quit alcohol. Making a positive change can be hard, try small steps. Kia kaha! | TōWaea: Kia ora. Ko tā mātou tūtohu me whakaiti, me mutu rānei te inu waipiro. He uaua pea te tahuringa ki te pai, iti nei, iti nei ka taea. Kia kaha! |
2 | 11 (Thurs) | YourCall: Ideas 4 cutting down: plan no-alcohol days, have water between drinks, try low alcohol drinks like light beer. Check out | YourCall: Kia ora. Ideas 4 cutting down: plan alcohol-free days, have water between drinks. Check out | TōWaea: Kia ora. He whakaaro mō te whakaiti: whakaritea he rā kore inu, me inu wai i waenga i ngā inu. Tirohia |
2 | 13 (Sat) | YourCall: Keep track of your drinks. U could use a diary. 1 drink = 1 small bottle beer, half an RTD, half a glass wine or 1 shot spirits | YourCall: Kia ora. Keep track of your drinks. U could use a diary. 1 drink = 1 small bottle beer, half an RTD, half a glass wine or 1 shot spirits. Mauri ora | TōWaea: Kia ora. Kautehia ō inu. Whakamahia he rātaka ina hiahia. 1 te inu = 1 te pātara pia iti, he haurua RTD, he haurua wāina, 1 te inu waipiro. Mauri ora |
3 | 15 (Mon) | YourCall: Reduce your chance of injuries & health problems by having no more than 2 drinks per day and at least 2 no-alcohol days per week | YourCall: Kia ora. Reduce your chance of injuries & health problems by having no more than 2 drinks per day and at least 2 alcohol-free days per week. Mauri ora | TōWaea: Kia ora. Whakaitihia te tūpono wharanga, rarunga hauora hoki mā te inuinu iti iho i ngā inu e 2 ia rā, me ngā rā kore-waipiro e 2 rā ia wiki. Mauri ora |
3 | 17 (Wed) | YourCall: Think of 1 thing u can do 2 cut down your drinking. Plan ahead & take action! | YourCall: Kia ora. Think of 1 thing u can do 2 cut down your drinking. Plan ahead & take action! Kia kaha | TōWaea: Kia ora. Whakaarohia ake kotahi mahi e taea ai e koe te whakaiti tō inuinu. Whakaritea he mahere, whāia! Kia kaha |
3 | 19 (Fri) | YourCall: Don’t drive if u have had alcohol. Arrange a sober driver, share a taxi, take a bus, walk with a friend | YourCall: Kia ora. Don’t drive if u have had alcohol. Arrange a sober driver, share a taxi, take a bus, walk with a mate | TōWaea: Kia ora. Mena kua inu koe, kaua e taraiwa waka. Whakaritea he taraiwa kore inu, hopu tekehī, hopu pahi, hīkoi tahi me tētahi hoa rānei |
3 | 21 (Sun) | YourCall: Think about sharing your goal with friends or family. They can give u support and may also want 2 cut down | YourCall: Kia ora. Think about sharing your goal with friends or whānau. They can give u support and may also want 2 cut down. Tu meke | TōWaea: Kia ora. Whakaarotia te tiri i tō whāinga ki ō hoa, ki tō whānau rānei. Mā rātou koe e tautoko, ka hiahia whakaiti te inuinu hoki pea rātou. Tumeke |
4 | 23 (Tues) | For males: | For males: | For males: |
YourCall: Its best not to drink alcohol at all if your health is not so good or u are on medication | YourCall: Its best not to drink alcohol at all if your health is not so good or u are on medication | TōWaea: He pai ake te kore inu mena kāore tō hauora i te pai, e kai pire ana rānei koe | ||
For females: | For females: | For females: | ||
YourCall: Its best not to drink alcohol at all if u are pregnant or might get pregnant, your health is not so good or u are on medication | YourCall: Its best not to drink alcohol at all if u are pregnant or might get pregnant, your health is not so good or u are on medication | TōWaea: He pai ake te kore inu waipiro mena kei te hapū, ka hapū pea rānei koe, kāore i te pai tō hauora, e kai pire ana rānei koe | ||
4 | 25 (Thurs) | YourCall: Reward yourself 4 making progress with your goal - but not with alcohol! Don't give up on your goal, try small steps | YourCall: Kia ora. Reward yourself 4 making progress with your goal - but not with alcohol! Don't give up on your goal, try small steps. Kia kaha | TōWaea: Kia ora. Me whakanui koe i a koe anō mō te whakatata atu ki tō whāinga–engari kaua mā te waipiro! Kaua e whakarērea tō whāinga, kia āta haere. Kia kaha |
4 | 27 (Sat) | YourCall: Remember that u can get confidential help from Alcohol Helpline 0800 787 797 or your doctor | YourCall: Kia ora. Remember that u can get confidential help from Alcohol Helpline 0800 787 798 or your doctor | TōWaea: Kia ora. Kaua e wareware ka taea te āwhina matatapu mai i Alcohol Helpline 0800 787 798, mai i tō tākuta rānei |
4 | 28 (Sun) | YourCall: Make a positive change in your life - cut down or quit drinking alcohol. Thanks 4 taking part in the study – great effort! We'll be in touch in 2 months | YourCall: Kia ora. Make a positive change - cut down or quit drinking alcohol. Thanks 4 taking part in the study. We'll be in touch in 2 months. Kia kaha | TōWaea: Kia ora. Tahuri ki te pai – whakaitia, whakamutua rānei te inu waipiro. Ngā mihi mōu i whai wāhi mai. Hei te 2 marama ka whakapā atu anō mātou. Kia kaha |
aThe Day 1 text message has an option to receive a greeting in the following Pacific languages: Samoan, Tongan, Cook Islands, Niuean, Tokelauan, Tuvaluan, or Fijian
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