Figure 6. Coordination in changes of specific chromatin modifications by Hairy.
(A) Very strong overlap between decreases in regions of H4Ac, H3K27Ac, H3K4me1 (heat map, upper left quadrant). Similar coordination between increases of H4Ac, H3K27Ac, H3K4me1 was noted (lower right quadrant). Combined increases and decreases of different marks were rarely observed. (B) Distribution of modified blocks by genomic regions show preferential action of Hairy at a distance from transcription start site (TSS). Affected regions were mapped to intergenic regions, promoter, exon etc. Overall distribution of genomic peaks for measured marks shown at right; the distributions for affected H4Ac and H3K27Ac regions deviated from the genomic averages (left, decreased, and center, increased levels).