Fig. S3.
Immunocytologic analysis of spermatocytes homozygous for predicted deleterious human SNPs in Mlh1, Smc1b, and Tex15. Surface-spread nuclei were immunolabeled with a synaptonemal complex lateral element marker, SYCP3, in combination with markers for fully synapsed regions (SYCP1), unrepaired DSBs and silenced chromatin (γH2AX), or MLH1 (chiasmata). In A, E, and I, XY pairs are denoted by arrowheads. (A–H) Late pachytene/diplotene nuclei. (I–L) Pachytene nuclei. (M) Quantification of MLH1 foci on meiotic chromosomes of WT, Mlh1V384D/V384D, Smc1bF1055L/F1055L, and Tex15T2181I/T2181I pachytene spermatocytes. At least 10 total spreads from two or more animals for each genotype were scored. There was no significant difference in focus number in any of the mutants compared with WT. Data are presented as mean ± SD from two or more animals. (Scale bars: 10 μm.)