Table 2.
Select demographic and clinical features of pediatric traumatic brain injury cohort, by intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring
ICP monitor, n(col%) N = 2,586(55) |
No ICP monitor, n(col%) N = 2,081(45) |
Age | ||
0 to 364 days | 420(16) | 815(39) |
1 to <5 years | 751(29) | 506(24) |
5 to <13 years | 868(34) | 458(22) |
13 to <18 years | 547(21) | 302(15) |
Gender | ||
Male | 1,623(63) | 1,305(63) |
Missing | 7(0) | 3(0) |
Insurance status | ||
Government | 1,341(52) | 1,241(60) |
Private | 782(30) | 437(21) |
Other | 437(17) | 374(18) |
Missing | 26(1) | 29(1) |
Admission Date | ||
10/2000-7/2003 | 601(23) | 441(21) |
8/2003-6/2011 | 1,985(77) | 1,640(79) |
Cardiac Arresta | ||
Any | 121(5) | 319(15) |
Inflicted Injuryb | ||
Yes | 571(22) | 802(39) |
EDHc, no fracture | ||
Yes | 47(2) | 27(1) |
SAHd, no fracture | ||
Yes | 258(10) | 312(15) |
SDHe, no fracture | ||
Yes | 576(22) | 616(30) |
Craniotomy/Craniectomyf | ||
Yes | 350(14) | 60(3) |
Head AISg | ||
3 (“Serious”) | 961(37) | 566(27) |
4 (“Severe”) | 680(26) | 511(25) |
5 (“Critical”) | 945(37) | 1,004(48) |
ICDISSh | ||
< 15 | 683(26) | 356(17) |
≥ 15 | 1,903(74) | 1,725(83) |
ACS Trauma Leveli | ||
I (15 hospitals) | 1,369(53) | 972(47) |
II (2 hospitals) | 126(5) | 140(7) |
None (14 hospitals) | 1,091(42) | 969(47) |
Patients per hospital | ||
<100 (8 hospitals) | 226(9) | 330(16) |
100-200 (15 hospitals) | 1,144(44) | 941(45) |
>200 (8 hospitals) | 1,216(47) | 810(39) |
Column percentages may not add to 100% because of rounding
ICP monitors were coded using any of ICD-9-CM procedure codes 01.18, 01.10, 02.2, and 02.39 or CTC codes for “ICP monitor supply” or “intracranial pressure monitoring”
ICD-9-CM discharge diagnosis code 427.5 or 997.1
Any of ICD-9-CM discharge diagnosis codes 995.5, E960-96843
EDH = epidural hematoma without skull fracture (ICD-9-CM diagnosis code 852.4 or 852.5)
SAH = subarachnoid hemorrhage without skull fracture (ICD-9-CM diagnosis code 852.0 or 852.1)
SDH = subdural hemorrhage without skull fracture (ICD-9-CM diagnosis code 852.2 or 852.3)
ICD-9-CM procedure code 01.24 or 01.25
Maximum Abbreviated Injury Scale score, Head body region, derived using ICDMAP-90
Injury Severity Score, derived using ICDMAP-90
American College of Surgeons Pediatric Trauma Designation: Level I, Level II, or None