Model Diagram (only significant paths were shown; for the complete information, please see the description in the MODEL SYNTAX).
Standardized path coefficients.
*p < .05; **p < .01
AMDailyHassles AMHostility AMSensitivity ON InfantFussiness AMGeneticAttribution ChildGender AMAppraisal AMDepression;
AFDailyHassles AFHostility AFSensitivity ON InfantFussiness AFGeneticAttribution ChildGender AFAppraisal AFDepression;
AMGeneticAttibution AFGeneticAttribution ON BMPoorHealth PerinatalRisk;
AMAppraisal AFAppraisal ON InfantFussiness PerinatalRisk AdoptionOpenness;
AMAppraisal WITH AFAppraisal;
PerinatalRisk WITH AdoptionOpenness BMPoorHealth;
AFDepression WITH AMDepression BMPoorHealth InfantFussiness;
[ChildGender *.5]; ChildGender; InfantFussiness; AMDepression; AFDepression;