Extended Data Figure 7. Trapping or stabilizing dG•dT ES1 and ES2.
a, m6G15-hp-GT DNA construct is shown (left) where dG15 is methylated at the O6 position to trap a near-WC “dGenol•dT”-like geometry (Fig. 3c). CS perturbations induced in the aromatic (center) and sugar (right) resonances upon O6-methylation (blue) with the hp-GT DNA spectra (black) with the resonances for the dG•dT mispair from hp-GT DNA in red. m6dG•dT mispair and CSs are highlighted in red. b, Similarly, m6G4-Dickerson-GT DNA construct is shown (left) where dG4 is O6-methylated to trap a WC-like state, with similar color scheme as a. c, 5BrU5-hp-GT DNA construct bearing a 13C/15N site-labeled dG15 paired with a 5-bromo-2′-deoxythymidine is shown (left) along with the 15N RD profile for the paired dG15-N1. Error bars represent experimental uncertainty (one s.d., see Methods).