Figure 3. Mutate-and-CS fingerprinting ES1 and ES2.
a, Multi-state equilibrium between WB and WC-like dG•dT mispairs. ES1/ES2 populations and weights are shown (25 °C and pH 6.9). pES2 estimated based on the observed apparent pKa. b, CS fingerprinting dG•dT ES1/ES2 using chemical modifications and structure-based DFT predictions of CSs. ES1 DFT CSs are given for 80:20 dGenol•dT:dG•dTenol weighting. c, m6dG•dT structure12,30. d, dG•5BrdU– ES2 stabilized relative to dG•dT– ES2. Populations and weights (10 °C and pH 6.9) are shown.