Table 2. Estimated overall proportion of clustering for observed, incomplete-observed and imputed-complete datasets under MNAR.
Deletion weight | Clus, Obs | Clus, In-Obs | Clus, Impute-Com | Cov, In-Obs | Cov, Impute-Com |
Proportional | 0.043 | 0.018 | 0.022 | 8% | 42% |
Inversely proportional | 0.043 | 0.053 | 80% | 93% |
Clustering assessed at the 0.10 threshold, with m = 100 deletions. Clus stands for clustering; Obs for observed data; In-Obs for ncomplete-observed data; Impute-Com for imputed-complete data; Cov stands for coverage.