Figure 3. PTPRS Knockdown Enhances the Activation of a Human pDC Cell Line.
(A) Western blot analysis of PTPRS and p38 (total and phosphorylated, p-p38) in the human pDC cell line Gen2.2 after stimulation with CpG.
(B) Inducible knockdown of PTPRS in the Gen2.2 cell line. Gen2.2 cells were transduced with retroviral vectors encoding two independent shRNA for PTPRS (shRNA1 and shRNA2), and treated with Dox to induce shRNA expression. PTPRS expression was measured 2 days later by cell surface staining.
(C) Western blot analysis of p-p38 in Gen2.2 cells that were treated with Dox for 48 hr to induce PTPRS knockdown and activated with CpG for 6 hr.
(D) The expression of IFNB by Gen2.2 cells after Dox-inducible PTPRS knockdown. Cells carrying Dox-inducible shRNAs for PTPRS were treated with Dox for 48 hr, stimulated with type A CpG for 6 hr, and IFNB expression was determined by qRT-PCR (mean ± SD of triplicate reactions, representative of three experiments).
(E) The expression of IFNB and IFN-inducible gene CXCL10 in Gen2.2 cells with Dox-induced PTPRS knockdown (shRNA1) at the indicated time points after stimulation with CpG (mean ± SD of triplicate PCRreactions; representative ofthreeexperiments).