Figure 3. Kin14-VIb transports liposomes along MTs.
a, The attachment of histidine-tagged motor to Ni-NTA lipids incorporated into liposomes. b, Transport of liposomes. Two separate motor-coated fluorescently-labelled liposomes (red, indicated by arrows) can be seen moving along a Cy5-labelled MT (blue). Bar, 2 μm. c, A kymograph shows long run lengths of kin14-VIb-coated liposomes. d, Velocity histograms for liposomes coated with kin14-VIb (266 ± 69 nm s−1; mean±s.d., n = 100 particles) and kin14-VIb FL (597 ± 134 nm s−1; mean±s.d., n = 116 particles).