Figure 5.
Electron microscopy of peripheral sarcoplasmic reticulum (pSR) in 60–62 days old control, clones KTN3 and HDF24.2 (A), CPVT1, clone 15.4 (B) and CPVT2, clones 20.1 and 19S1 (C) iPSC-CM. Ryanodine receptors (short arrows) are visible between pSR and sarcolemma in control (A) and CPVT1 (B) cardiomyocytes. Enlarged cisterna of pSR is seen in CPVT2 cardiomyocyte (B). Electron-dense linear structure formed by CASQ2 (thick white arrow) is visible within the SR lumen of control cardiomyocytes (A).