Fig 5. CK7 staining for interlobular bile duct (right panels) and bile canaliculi STK17A staining (left panels) of serial biopsy specimens in patient 1.
STK17A staining. (Postoperative day (POD) 6 and 72) Linear, continuous, and diffuse staining pattern. (POD 80, 101, and 318) Discontinuous and focal staining pattern. Scale bar: 20 μm. Arrows in figures point to representative bile canaliculi. CK7 staining. (POD 6) At the time of acute cellular rejection (ACR) showing interlobular bile ducts with well-defined lumen lined by cuboidal epithelium, parallel to an arteriole. (POD 80) In addition to the diagnosis of mild ACR, early CR was suspected due to focal atrophic bile ducts with no well-defined lumen. A = arteriole, PV = portal vein, P = portal area. Scale bars: 20 μm. (POD 318) Absence of bile ducts in portal tract with periportal hepatocyte staining. Scale bar: 50 μm.