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. 2015 Aug 26;6:119. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2015.00119

Table 2.

Summarized details of reviewed tDCS articles.

Study Patient descriptions Brain damage Target symptoms Stimulation location Stimulation parameters # Sessions Outcome
Angelakis et al. (58) n = 4; 3 in PVS, 1 in MCS− following severe closed-head TBI; age range 19–37; 6 months–10 years post-TBI Not specified Altered consciousness Anode: left DLPFC or left primary sensorimotor cortex Week 1: 1 mA/25 cm2 × 20 min 10 Patient 1: PVS to MCS− 1 yr post-tDCS; Patients 2 and 3: no improvement; Patient 4: MCS− to MCS+ 1 week post-tDCS and conscious 2 weeks post-tDCS
Cathode: right orbit Week 2: 2 mA/25 cm2 × 20 min
Kang et al. (59) n = 9, 5 sham; 8 males; age range 20–78; 216.9 (52.5) days post-closed head TBI Various (all: SDH or ICH to left or bilateral frontal lobes; n = 4: additional parietal, temporal, occipital, or cingulate damage) Attention deficits Anode: left DLPFC 2 mA/25 cm2 × 20 min 1 Immediate but not lasting improvement in attention
Cathode: contralateral supraorbital region
Les´niak et al. (60) n = 23, 11 sham; age range 20–45 years; 4–92 months post-TBI Various (incl. frontal/parietal/temporal/occipital contusion; cerebellum or BS damage) Memory and attention deficits Anode: left DLPFC 1 mA/35 cm−2 × 10 min 15 No improvements in attention or memory
Cathode: contralateral supraorbital region
Middleton et al. (61) n = 5 [1 TBI (age 39, time since injury = 206 months), 1 TBI + stroke (age = 38; 9 months post-injury)] Not specified; both TBI patients had motor issues affecting their left UE Motor impairments Anode: ipsilesional motor cortex 1.5 mA/25 cm2 × 15 min 24 Improvement on UE-FM – persisted at a 6-month follow-up
Cathode: contralesional motor cortex
Thibaut et al. (62) n = 25, 6 post-traumatic UWS; n = 30,19 post-traumatic MCS Not specified Altered consciousness Anode: left DLPFC 2 mA/35 cm2 × 20 min 1 UWS patients: no improvement; MCS patients: improved consciousness
Cathode: contralateral supraorbital region
Ulam et al. (63) n = 23; 13 treatment [age 31.4 (9.8); 57.4 (37.8) days post-injury], 13 sham [age 35.7 (13.7); 41.1 (20.9) days post-injury] Various (incl. SDH, SAH, frontal/parietal/temporal/occipital contusion; three severe TBI) Various neuropsych. functions (including attention and memory) Anode: left DLPFC 1 mA/25 cm2 × 20 min 10 No difference in neuropsych. improvement between groups Active group only: correlation between cortical excitability and neuropsych. improvement
Cathode: contralateral supraorbital region

PVS, persistent vegetative state; MCS, minimally conscious state; DLPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; SDH, subdural hemorrhage; ICH, intracerebral hemorrhage; SAH, subarachnoid hemorrhage; BS, brain stem; UE, upper extremity; UWS, unresponsive wakefulness syndrome; UE-FM, Fugl-Meyer Assessment of Sensorimotor Impairment – upper extremity section.