Figure 5.
Set of best solutions for each model for subject 7 obtained with the multi-objective parameter optimization on choices and reaction times. One point represents one parametrization for one model and one subject evaluated on the fit to RT and the fit to choices. (A) At the end of the optimization process, the pareto front for one subject is constructed by conserving only solutions, regardless of the model, that can not be improved in one dimension without being worsened in the other. The best solutions are located in the top-right corner of each subfigure. (B) The top right corner of pareto fronts is enlarged to show the relative position of each model. The black triangle is the position of the selected solution which is the best compromise between the quality of fit to choice and the quality of fit to RT (see Section 5). For this subject, the best solution is given by the Entropy-based coordination model since it increases largely the quality of fit to RT compared to other models. This model selection process is made for each subjects.