Figure 5. Spatial analysis of gene expression after MO perturbation of selected putative myogenic regulators by FISH.
FoxC, FoxY, FoxF, MHC, and nanos transcripts were detected by FISH in fluo-control MO injected embryos (A, C, E, G, I) and in embryos injected with MOs against FoxY (B, D, F), FoxC (H), and FoxF (J). All images are obtained as stacks of merged confocal Z sections. Panels G, H show double FISH. In panel G, single channels over DAPI are shown as insets. FoxY was stained in green, FoxC and FoxF in red, MHC in cyan, and Nanos in magenta. Nuclei were labeled blue with DAPI. Yellow circles indicated by yellow arrowheads show cells co-expressing the analyzed genes. The orientation of the embryos is indicated in each panel: fv, frontal view; lv, lateral view.