Figure 4. Substrate transport and inhibition of GLUT1W388A and GLUT5A396W.
Hexose transport activity of wild-type (GLUTwt) and mutant GLUTs was measured by entrance counter-flow transport assay. Each point is the average of three measurements and error bars represent standard deviations. Line shows non-linear fit for IC50 calculation. “glu” represents glucose transport; “fru” represents fructose transport. (a) Comparison of glucose and fructose transport of GLUT1wt, GLUT1W388A, GLUT5wt, GLUT5A396W. All measurements were normalized to GLUT5wt fructose transport as 100%. Blank spaces represent assays in which no transport activity was measureable. (b) Concentration-dependent Rub inhibition of the relative transport activity mediated by GLUT1W388A and GLUT5A396W. (c) Concentration-dependent Ast6G inhibition of the relative transport activity mediated by GLUT1W388A and GLUT5A396W.