Figure 2.
Rocking ‘see-saw' platform with media-filled six-well culture plates and shear stress profile. (a) Cells are seeded into multiwell plates and cultured to 80% confluence. (b) Platform tilts at a predetermined angle (indicated by double-headed arrow) and fluid flow-induced shear stress (calculated from Equation (2)) that is oscillatory in nature (c) is produced across the well bottom (x/L is a point in space along the well bottom, where x/L=0.5 is the center) at different points in the cycle.26,27,28 Matrix production is enhanced by ‘see-saw' rocking in osteogenic progenitor cells. (d) Second harmonic generation imaging shows increased collagen deposition/organization by human dermal fibroblasts (hDFs) and human embryonic stem mesenchymal progenitors (hES-MPs) subjected to OFSS versus static (no-flow) conditions. (e) Mineral deposition is increased by OFSS stimulation compared with static culture, but only in osteoinduction groups. BM, basal media; OIM, osteoinduction media; OM, osteogenic media.9,28,29