Figure 6.
Chondroitinase ABC does not affect astrocyte or microglia trafficking. 24-hr pretreatment with chondroitinase ABC does not increase CL4 uptake in astrocyte or microglia cultures. (a) Astrocytes without chondroitinase or (b) astrocytes following chondroitinase ABC show no increase in trafficking. (c) Quantification of red channel fluorescence around positively stained cells. (d) Microglia without chondroitinase ABC or (e) microglia following chondroitinase ABC show similar results. (f) Quantification of red channel fluorescence around positively stained cells. Red represents QDs, green is cell-specific staining, and blue is DAPI. CL = compact ligand; QDs = quantum dots; DAPI = 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole.